Wordy Wednesday 348: Logicrossword 8 & Wordy Wednesday 349: Snake Crisscross 11

SECTION SIX 34 (answer)
Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Bonnie Veenschoten **
Cindy Heisler **
Joe Bernard **
Mark Ballinger **
Stephen Potter **
Jason Boomer **
Kevin Orfield **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin **

As of this writing, 1 person has solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

Blacken some cells in the grid below, and fill the rest with letters to form words left-to-right and top-to-bottom, crossword style. All words are Scrabble-legal (see scrabble.merriam.com); however, most of the words in the intended solution should be familiar.

Arrange the letters in the shaded cells to get the final answer, a single word. (If any of the shaded cells are blackened, then the final answer will be less than 8 letters long.)
* No two black cells share an edge. All the white cells are connected through their edges.
* The word FACETIOUS reading horizontally intersects the word RHYTHM reading vertically.
* The word ASHY reading horizontally intersects the words AAHS and THAE reading vertically.
* The word LOX intersects the word OXO.
* The word SYZYGY reads vertically.
* The words AY, HOOCH, OOH, and RYA appear somewhere.
* Row 3’s rightmost letter is the same as row 4’s leftmost letter.
* One of rows 1 through 7 contains a 4-letter word that ends in IKE.
* Column G contains a letter which appears only once in the grid.
* Two words intersect at A1 which end with the same letter; the horizontal word has an odd number of letters in it.

This puzzle's crisscross grid contains entries which read across and down as normal; these words are defined in alphabetical order by length under the heading “Crisscross Words.” The grid also contains a number of “snakes”: areas which follow a single clear path. Each of these snakes contains an entry which snakes from one end of the path to the other. These entries are defined under the heading “Snake Words”, and are also clued in alphabetical order by length. You must determine how the grid is divided into snakes; no two snakes overlap.

Arrange the letters in the highlighted cells to form the final answer, an 8-letter word.
____ of God
Donkey relative
Transparent sheet used in animation
Electric ____
Douglas ____
That woman
____ neutrality
Partner of Wynken and Blynken
Race participant, perhaps
2011 film about a macaw named Blu
Joey created by A. A. Milne
Some hats
The Hunchback of Notre ____
____ jockey
____ of plenty
An Egyptian goddess
Has a brief sleep
Flow slowly
University namesake Roberts
It may be made of coral
Certain trailer, briefly
Absinthe ingredient
Sorrowful poem
Boxer Liston
Asparagus stalk
"____ Be Startin' Somethin'" (Michael Jackson song)
____ of Warcraft
India’s “Jana Gana Mana”, for one
Onion relatives
One obsessed with minute details
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes author Maya
“____ Independence” (Björk song)
Associated organization
Certain sweetener: 2 wds.
Four-winged insect
Electric Light ____ (rock band)
In dire need of laxative
Part of a battery where oxidation occurs
Wind ____
The protagonist in the 2001 video game Devil May Cry
Errol of The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936)
Item for a watchmaker
Confused struggle
____ & Martin's Laugh-In
Mountain in the book of Exodus
“The final frontier”, as per Captain Kirk
Italian scooter brand
The birthplace of St. Francis
Don portrayed by Jon Hamm in Mad Men
“Octopus’s ____” (The Beatles song)
January birthstone
Miami ____ (newspaper)
____ 5 (rock band)
A light purple
Evening party
Atlanta’s NFL team
Economic system that commies loathe
1950 book credited with introducing the word “nerd”: 5 wds.

* What's a 5-letter word for "Sabrina the Teenage Witch's cat"?
* Patron Puzzle #73, which will be delivered exclusively to Patreon supporters ($5 or more per month), is a diagramless crossword.

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, keep on living, and yappy solving!

Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 6 update — FINAL UPDATE!)

For full rules, see here.

Week 0:
The set of words containing the letter A: NEITHER
The set of all words composed only of letters (with possible repeats) from ETAOIN SHRDLU: ONE
The set of all words containing at least one of "R", "S", "T", "L", "N" or "E": BOTH

Week 1:
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing at least 3 consecutive letters that are consonants (i.e. not AEIOUY): NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word SOUND: NEITHER
[Kevin Orfield] The set of words where three or more of the letters are from the set {A,E,I,O,U,Y}: NEITHER
[Michael Tang] The set of words of length 5, 6, 7, or 8: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length greater than or equal to 9: NEITHER

Week 2:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words of lengths 5 or 6: ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing a double letter (examples: EGG, BOOT, LLAMA; counterexamples: FIFE, NANA): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words with second letter between O and Z inclusive: ONE
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters (with possible repeats) in the words DHOLE UNITS: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between Q and Z inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length 6 or 7: ONE

Week 3:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words at least 5 letters long, beginning with letters B-H inclusive: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words whose letters have a combined point value of 15 or higher in English-language Scrabble (examples: JOKE, ZZZ): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words ending with a letter from BENDY TRACK: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain an S adjacent to another consonant (any letter other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y): ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between A and G inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words where exactly two of the letters are A, E, I, O, U, or Y: BOTH

Week 4:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words where the second letter is anything other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all 1-syllable words, according to HowManySyllables.comONE
[John Bulten] [private guess of a set of 2 words]: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain at least one instance of the letter S: BOTH
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words in which the same letter appears more than once: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 3 words]: NEITHER

Week 5:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words in which exactly one of the letters is not in ETAOIN SHRDLU (examples: TREK, TREKS; counterexample: TREKKED): ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words which start with L: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters from the words NUDE SLOTH: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words which contain the letter L: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 4 words]: NEITHER

Week 6:
[Daniel Levitin] [private guess of a set of 1 word]: ONE
[Jason Boomer] [private guess of a set of 5 words]: ONE
[Ken G. Safrit] The set of all words composed only of letters from HORSEMINT and which include the letter N or the letter O, but not both: BOTH
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words containing the letter O: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words which have at least one Scrabble-legal anagram according to scrabble.merriam.com: ONE
[Roger Strain] The set of words where the second letter is contained in FOXGER: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all 6-letter words matching the pattern "CVCVCC", where "V" means {A,E,I,O,U,Y}, and "C" means the other 20 letters: ONE
[yyw] [private guess of a set of 2 words]: BOTH

Since the pair of words has been guessed, $30 has been donated to the Food Bank of West Central Texas and $30 has been donated to My Block My Hood My City!

Everyone now has one more week to guess the pair of words and get entered into the prize drawing!

Wordy Wednesday 347: Logicrossword 7

PENT WORDS 69 (answer)
Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Bonnie Veenschoten **
Cindy Heisler **
Joe Bernard **
Mark Ballinger **
Stephen Potter **
Izak Bulten **
John Bulten **
Kevin Orfield **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin **

PENT WORDS 34 (hint)
As of this writing, 9 people have solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

Blacken some cells in the grid below, and fill the rest with letters to form words left-to-right and top-to-bottom, crossword style. All words are Scrabble-legal (see scrabble.merriam.com); however, most of the words in the intended solution should be familiar.

Arrange the letters in the shaded cells to get the final answer, a single word. (If any of the shaded cells are blackened, then the final answer will be less than 8 letters long.)
* No two black cells share an edge or a corner. Every row and every column contains exactly two black cells. [Note: These are different from the rules regarding black cells in previous Logicrossword installments.]
* In cell C2, the word STAR intersects the word BATTLE.
* The word AEON intersects the word CANTO.
* The word EXTRA intersects the word INLIER.
* Six 2-letter words appear in the grid: AH, AL, AR, AY, ER, and NO.
* A word reads vertically which contains the substring HO.
* The letters K and U appear exactly once each.
* Row 3’s leftmost letter and rightmost letter are the same.
* Row 4 contains only four distinct letters.
* Some column contains the letters G and I.
* Column A does not contain a 4-letter word.
* Column D contains a word whose second letter is the same as the last letter of a word in column F.
* Column E’s bottommost letter is in the first half of the alphabet (A through M).

* A Logicrossword that will make you go OOH....
* What's a 7-letter word for "'____ Independence' (Björk song)"?

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, keep on living, and yappy solving!

Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 5 update)

For full rules, see here.

Week 0:
The set of words containing the letter A: NEITHER
The set of all words composed only of letters (with possible repeats) from ETAOIN SHRDLU: ONE
The set of all words containing at least one of "R", "S", "T", "L", "N" or "E": BOTH

Week 1:
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing at least 3 consecutive letters that are consonants (i.e. not AEIOUY): NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word SOUND: NEITHER
[Kevin Orfield] The set of words where three or more of the letters are from the set {A,E,I,O,U,Y}: NEITHER
[Michael Tang] The set of words of length 5, 6, 7, or 8: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length greater than or equal to 9: NEITHER

Week 2:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words of lengths 5 or 6: ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing a double letter (examples: EGG, BOOT, LLAMA; counterexamples: FIFE, NANA): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words with second letter between O and Z inclusive: ONE
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters (with possible repeats) in the words DHOLE UNITS: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between Q and Z inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length 6 or 7: ONE

Week 3:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words at least 5 letters long, beginning with letters B-H inclusive: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words whose letters have a combined point value of 15 or higher in English-language Scrabble (examples: JOKE, ZZZ): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words ending with a letter from BENDY TRACK: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain an S adjacent to another consonant (any letter other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y): ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between A and G inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words where exactly two of the letters are A, E, I, O, U, or Y: BOTH

Week 4:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words where the second letter is anything other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all 1-syllable words, according to HowManySyllables.comONE
[John Bulten] [private guess of a set of 2 words]: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain at least one instance of the letter S: BOTH
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words in which the same letter appears more than once: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 3 words]: NEITHER

Week 5:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words in which exactly one of the letters is not in ETAOIN SHRDLU (examples: TREK, TREKS; counterexample: TREKKED): ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words which start with L: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters from the words NUDE SLOTH: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words which contain the letter L: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 4 words]: NEITHER

The money pool for the Food Bank of West Central Texas is now $30.
The money pool for My Block My Hood My City is now $30.

Submit more guesses!

Wordy Wednesday 346: Section Six 34

Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Stephen Potter **
John Bulten **
Kevin Orfield **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin *

PENT WORDS 69 (hint)
As of this writing, 10 people have solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

This puzzle's grid has six rings and six sections. Each ring contains a series of words placed end to end, reading either clockwise or counterclockwise; all the words in a given ring will read in the same direction. Ring 1 (the outer ring) contains six answers that read clockwise; the starting spaces are numbered in the grid. Clues for the answers in the remaining rings are given in order, but their starting points and direction are for you to determine. The sections (separated by the heavy lines radiating from the center) will help you place the inner rings: in a given section, each ring segment contains all but one of the letters in the next segment outward. In other words, a section's outermost segment contains six letters; the next segment inward contains five of those six letters in some order; and so on, until only one of the original six letters remains.

Arrange the letters in the six starred spaces to form the final answer, a 6-letter word.
Ring 1
1 Item in your Christmas stocking, if you've been naughty
2 Turn on
3 Proclaim
4 Ancient Greek garment
5 Item for preserving footwear's shape: 2 wds.
6 ____ wrap

Ring 2
* The ____ Army (charity often seen around Christmas)
* Allan who produced the movie Grease
* Boil with anger
* Cartoonist Adams
* Disquiet

Ring 3
* First word in "The Christmas Song"
* Common sugar substitute
* Rip of Men in Black
* Colgate alternative

Ring 4
* Surname of Nicholas Guest's and Julia Louis-Dreyfus's characters in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
* Musical interval between two consecutive C's
* Dangerous scene for which an actor might be replaced by a double

Ring 5
* ____ City Christmas Card (1989 album by jazz trumpeter Wynton Marsalis)
* ____ belt (car safety device)

Ring 6
* Miracle on 34th ____ (1947 Christmas film)

* A Logicrossword that hopefully won't take an AEON to solve. . .

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, keep on living, and yappy solving!

Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 4 update)

For full rules, see here.

Week 0:
The set of words containing the letter A: NEITHER
The set of all words composed only of letters (with possible repeats) from ETAOIN SHRDLU: ONE
The set of all words containing at least one of "R", "S", "T", "L", "N" or "E": BOTH

Week 1:
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing at least 3 consecutive letters that are consonants (i.e. not AEIOUY): NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word SOUND: NEITHER
[Kevin Orfield] The set of words where three or more of the letters are from the set {A,E,I,O,U,Y}: NEITHER
[Michael Tang] The set of words of length 5, 6, 7, or 8: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length greater than or equal to 9: NEITHER

Week 2:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words of lengths 5 or 6: ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing a double letter (examples: EGG, BOOT, LLAMA; counterexamples: FIFE, NANA): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words with second letter between O and Z inclusive: ONE
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters (with possible repeats) in the words DHOLE UNITS: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between Q and Z inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length 6 or 7: ONE

Week 3:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words at least 5 letters long, beginning with letters B-H inclusive: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words whose letters have a combined point value of 15 or higher in English-language Scrabble (examples: JOKE, ZZZ): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words ending with a letter from BENDY TRACK: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain an S adjacent to another consonant (any letter other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y): ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between A and G inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words where exactly two of the letters are A, E, I, O, U, or Y: BOTH

Week 4:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words where the second letter is anything other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all 1-syllable words, according to HowManySyllables.com*: ONE
[John Bulten] [private guess of a set of 2 words]: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain at least one instance of the letter S: BOTH
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words in which the same letter appears more than once: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 3 words]: NEITHER

* Note that some words, such as "extraordinary", have different numbers of syllables in different pronunciations, but How Many Syllables returns only one number (5, in this case). Sometimes, different words with different numbers of syllables have the same spelling, such as "mare" as in a female horse or as in a feature on the moon; How Many Syllables still only returns one number (1, in this case). I decided to use this website because it seems to be the easiest place to get this information from. For example, the word "atheism" is considered by leading syllable experts to be a 3-syllable word, but it's really difficult to glean that from m-w.com, because what appears to be a syllable breakdown, "athe·​ism", is actually showing all the places you can properly hyphenate the word, and you're apparently not supposed to hyphenate a word right after the first letter or right before the last letter, and the pronunciation of the word makes it look like a 4-syllable word, but apparently "ism" is counted by many linguists as a single syllable. Confusing. I hope I never have to touch another syllable in my life.

The money pool for the Food Bank of West Central Texas is now $33.
The money pool for My Block My Hood My City is now $33.

Submit more guesses!

Wordy Wednesday 345: Pent Words 69

TOUCHWORD 16 (answer)
Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Bonnie Veenschoten **
Cindy Heisler **
James Haddad **
Joe Bernard **
Mark Ballinger **
Stephen Potter **
John Bulten *
Kevin Orfield **
Patrick Jordan **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin **

As of this writing, 4 people have solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

This puzzle contains a word suggested by patron M. Sean Molley. Support me on Patreon at the $5 per month level and solve the monthly Patron Puzzle for a chance to suggest a seed word for a future puzzle, or at the $20 per month level to suggest one seed word every month!
In this puzzle, you must divide the grid into pentominoes (regions containing five cells each), and write a letter in each cell. The rows, reading from left to right, will contain the words hinted at by the ACROSS clues. The letters in the pentominoes, in reading order (left to right starting with the top row), will form the words hinted at by the PENTOMINOES clues; these clues are presented in no particular order. (In the example, the rows spell PLANT, SHARE, and BITES, and the pentominoes spell the words PLANS, TREES, and HABIT.) Use the ACROSS answers to determine where the pentominoes are.
ACROSS (two answers per row):
1 Actress Kelly Marie who played Rose Tico in the Star Wars sequel trilogy / "Archaeologists Discover Blue Confetti From Mary And Joseph's ____ Reveal Party" (headline from Christian satirical news site The Babylon Bee)
2 Place for a piercing, often / k ____ for now (swt live) (Ariana Grande album)
3 The Rite of ____ (Stravinsky work) / Not early
4 Emotionally distant / French sculptor François Auguste René ____
5 Like subtraction to addition / "____ me with a spoon!"
6 The ____ Take Manhattan (1984 film) / Substance that famously doesn't mix with water
7 Blood of the Greek gods / Concur
8 Rock band with the debut album Bleach / Faucet
9 "Four score and seven years ____. . ." / An act of rubbing out pencil marks
10 "Archaeologists Discover Pair Of Crocs Worn By ____ Iscariot" (The Babylon Bee headline) / Sea duck with soft down
* A mild Dutch cheese
* Dynamite inventor Alfred
* Specialized vocabulary for a particular field
* Lithe
* Kentucky ____ (horse race)
* Stanza of a song
* Carl who was married to science writer Ann Druyan
* Consumed
* Dora the Explorer's cousin
* Michael of Monty Python
* Rapper Nicki
* Word before "crust" or "hand"
* "All joking ____. . ."
* "____ in Heart, O God" (Christian hymn)
* Lasso
* "Fire and Ice" poet Robert
* Group of church singers
* "____ in Heaven" (Eric Clapton song)

* What's a 6-letter word for "Miracle on 34th ____ (1947 Christmas film)"?

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, keep on living, and yappy solving!

Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 3 update)

For full rules, see here.

Week 0:
The set of words containing the letter A: NEITHER
The set of all words composed only of letters (with possible repeats) from ETAOIN SHRDLU: ONE
The set of all words containing at least one of "R", "S", "T", "L", "N" or "E": BOTH

Week 1:
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing at least 3 consecutive letters that are consonants (i.e. not AEIOUY): NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word SOUND: NEITHER
[Kevin Orfield] The set of words where three or more of the letters are from the set {A,E,I,O,U,Y}: NEITHER
[Michael Tang] The set of words of length 5, 6, 7, or 8: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length greater than or equal to 9: NEITHER

Week 2:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words of lengths 5 or 6: ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing a double letter (examples: EGG, BOOT, LLAMA; counterexamples: FIFE, NANA): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words with second letter between O and Z inclusive: ONE
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters (with possible repeats) in the words DHOLE UNITS: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between Q and Z inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length 6 or 7: ONE

Week 3:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words at least 5 letters long, beginning with letters B-H inclusive: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words whose letters have a combined point value of 15 or higher in English-language Scrabble (examples: JOKE, ZZZ): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words ending with a letter from BENDY TRACK: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain an S adjacent to another consonant (any letter other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y): ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between A and G inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words where exactly two of the letters are A, E, I, O, U, or Y: BOTH

The money pool for the Food Bank of West Central Texas is now $36.
The money pool for My Block My Hood My City is now $36.

Submit more guesses!

Wordy Wednesday 344: Logicrossword 6

Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Bonnie Veenschoten **
Mark Ballinger **
Kevin Orfield **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin **

TOUCHWORD 16 (hint)
As of this writing, 10 people have solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

Blacken some cells in the grid below, and fill the rest with letters to form words left-to-right and top-to-bottom, crossword style. All words are Scrabble-legal (see scrabble.merriam.com); however, most of the words in the intended solution should be familiar.

Arrange the letters in the shaded cells to get the final answer, a single word. (If any of the shaded cells are blackened, then the final answer will be less than 8 letters long.)
* No two black cells share an edge. All the white cells are connected through their edges.
* The leftmost four columns of the grid (A-D) contain two different five-letter words reading vertically which can each have one letter changed to become the string BIDEN.
* The rightmost four columns of the grid (F-I) contain two different five-letter words reading vertically which can each have one letter changed to become the string TRUMP.
* There are exactly three M’s and exactly three S’s in the grid.
* Exactly 3 rows contain the letter T.
* Row 5 contains a 9-letter word whose fifth letter is C.
* Column I contains the word FRY.
* One row or column contains both the word RAP and a word which intersects a word ending in I.
* One row or column contains two 4-letter words whose third letters are L and O, in some order.
* The words FELT and FIVE intersect at cell C4.
* The word ASP intersects a 7-letter word.
* Cells C9 and D2 contain the same letter.
* Cell E8 contains the only X in the grid; a 3-letter word and a 4-letter word intersect there.
* Cell H6 contains a letter which also appears at least once in row 3.

* What's a 5-letter word for "Carl who was married to science writer Ann Druyan"?

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, keep on living, and yappy solving!

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