Logicsmith Exhibition 4: Circumnavi-Gates (RESULTS!)

Logicsmith Exhibition 4 is over now. I received 7 entries from 5 distinct people (not counting myself). As is the tradition, I will go alphabetically by submitter.

The first submission is from someone who goes by crab. Without a doubt, this puzzle is the most difficult one in the batch -- in fact, had I created the puzzle, I'd have no choice but to label it as an Evil Zinger (EZ). Good luck solving this one -- you'll need it for sure. This puzzle will attack your weak point for massive damage.

This puzzle is from groza528. I really can't think of anything to say about it, except that it's pretty, and it's on the tough side (but not nearly as tough as the puzzle above!).

mathgrant is next on my alphabetical list, so now I get to vainly flaunt my own puzzles! This 10x10 puzzle is. . . nondescript, I guess. And easy. I guess there really isn't much to vainly flaunt about it. . . :)

I also made this 14x24 puzzle, which is brought to you by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Counting to 8 plays a huge role in this puzzle, so if you can't count to 8, then please learn how to do so.

These next two puzzles were contributed by MellowMelon; he operates his own logic puzzle blog, and updates it more frequently than I do mine, so you should probably stop reading my boring blog that never gets updated, and follow his instead. :P [Edit 9/10/2010: it's updated very scarcely now.] But seriously, I think he's been doing a good job on his blog.
In this second puzzle, although I hadn't realized it at first, MellowMelon attempted to render a picture of a certain fictional character in the black cells. If you squint, you might be able to make it out. The 14x24 grid, among other restrictions, made it difficult to do; in particular, an arm seems to be absent. However, the character's eyebrows are very nicely rendered as a consummate V. While I'm not as crazy about this character as some people are (I didn't celebrate his January 13 birthday, for instance), I really, really loved seeing him being paid tribute to in this puzzle. (If you haven't figured out who the character is, I'll post another hint as a comment on this post.)
This next puzzle's from mikeamok. I don't have much to say about it. It's nice, though.

Our final puzzle is from Neil Zussman. He sent two puzzles, sadly, one of them was found to have 17 solutions, and could not be accepted for this Logicsmith Exhibition. This puzzle, however, was acceptable. It's on the easy side, I think -- easier, in fact, than my 10x10 puzzle above. Not that I'm complaining, of course! I like a variety of difficulties. I also like having no two black cells share an edge -- don't you? :)

Edit: While it's past the deadline, Neil Zussman has managed to fix his other puzzle, so I'm including it here, too. Just like the previous one, this puzzle has no two black cells sharing an edge; I don't know whether this was intentional or not, but none of the other constructors did this, so it's worth mentioning.

Enjoy the puzzles, and thanks to the people who submitted them!

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