My birthday is in just a few days (May 26), and to celebrate, I am preparing a batch of the most utterly difficult logic puzzles that this blog, and perhaps even the entire internet, has ever seen! These special Evil Zingers (EZ's) are guaranteed to give even the most expert solver many days of frustration, so make sure to be here on May 26 to view them! If I'm inspired enough, I might even make EZ's a semi-regular feature.
Not that this has anything to do with the puzzle at hand.
Blog Archive
- Evil Zinger 8: Seek and Spell
- Evil Zinger 7: Pearls of Wisdom
- Evil Zinger 6: Room and Reason
- Evil Zinger 5: Polyominous
- Evil Zinger 4: Tetra Firma
- Evil Zinger 3: Twincognito
- Evil Zinger 2: Process of Illumination
- Evil Zinger 1: Fencing Match
- Puzzle 217: Process of Illumination 16
- Puzzle 216: Streaming Content 16
- Puzzle 215: Streaming Content 15
- Puzzle 214: Tetra Firma 14
- Puzzle 213: Fencing Match 26
- Puzzle 212: Blackbarrier Jam 10
- Puzzle 211: Seek and Spell 6
- Puzzle 210: Polyominous 23
- Puzzle 209: Pearls of Wisdom 24
- Puzzle 208: Quad-Wrangle 8
- Puzzle 207: Room and Reason 12
- Puzzle 206: Totally Awesum 15
- Puzzle 205: Totally Awesum 14
- Adam's Grapple (3)
- Artist's Block (11)
- Battleships (15)
- Blackbarrier Jam (25)
- Block Band (9)
- Bridged Series (4)
- Circumnavi-Gates (23)
- contests (172)
- Cross the Streams (22)
- Crowd Nine (23)
- Danny Boy's Pipes (2)
- Dominnocuous (12)
- Double Entry (3)
- Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania (14)
- Ellbound (6)
- Evil Zingers (16)
- Fencing Match (63)
- Grant's Review Corner (13)
- Kevin's Puzzles at Home (87)
- Logic Masters India (16)
- Logicsmith Exhibition (18)
- Melon's Secret Castle (3)
- Monday Mutants (175)
- Numeral Crossing (12)
- Outside the Fox Puzzles (5)
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy (15)
- Pearls of Wisdom (72)
- Polyominous (104)
- Prev-Arrow-Cation (7)
- Process of Illumination (54)
- Proof of Quilt (15)
- puzzles (619)
- Quad-Wrangle (41)
- Reunion Tour (8)
- Right Way Robot (2)
- Ripple Play (8)
- Room and Reason (53)
- rules (31)
- Seek and Spell (19)
- Solomon's Keep (7)
- Spirits of Serpentine (13)
- Straight and Arrow (54)
- Streaming Content (51)
- Streampunk (9)
- Tatami For Now (8)
- Tetra Firma (65)
- The Inner Limits (11)
- The Joy of Puzzling (8)
- Totally Awesum (26)
- Twincognito (24)
- Wordy Wednesday (548)
- Writer's Block (3)