Wordy Wednesday #50 update and a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT

PENT WORDS 10 (answer)
It's been two weeks, so time to unveil the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Adam Weaver **
Bryce Herdt **
Christian H.P. **
Edderiofer He *
Giovanni Pagano **
James McGowan **
Mark Tilford **
Peter Abide **
Ryan Faley **
Tim Harrod **
Sam Levitin **

Wordy Wednesday will resume next month, but first, I have a major announcement. . .

I plan on keeping the Wordy Wednesday series free for the foreseeable future, meaning everybody in the English-speaking world can enjoy a weekly dose of words without paying me a dime. However, if you would like to give me a monthly token of your appreciation, you can get some rewards! Let me explain. . .

While websites such as Kickstarter allow fans to pledge money one time to support one big project, with Patreon, you can pledge ongoing monthly support for someone who creates content on a regular basis. You get to choose how much money to give me every month: $1, $5, $42.01, whatever you think Wordy Wednesday is worth to you. In return, you'll get some nice rewards:

  • For $1 per month, you'll be recognized as a patron on this blog every time you solve a puzzle.
  • For $3 per month, you'll get early access to Wordy Wednesday puzzles.
  • For $5 per month, you'll get one bonus puzzle every month!
  • For $20 per month, you can almost boss me around and suggest words that I should include in future Wordy Wednesday puzzles! (Note: this reward tier is currently limited to two patrons, so hurry while supplies last!)
Your monthly pledge will put a smile on my face, and maybe even encourage me to write extra puzzles! For example, if my patrons pledge a combined $50 per month, I'll post TWO Wordy Wednesday puzzles on the fifth Wednesday of a month which has five Wednesdays! This coming July will be the first such month, FYI.

If you want to support me, or just read more detailed information, CLICK HERE to go to my Patreon page!

I hope to get your support. See you in June for Wordy Wednesday 51!

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