Would you like to try your hand at logicsmithing, and possibly be featured on my blog? Read on!
On its online puzzle site nikoli.com, the Japanese company Nikoli recently asked its authors to create different Slitherlink puzzles all using the same arrangement of givens. I've decided to try a similar experiment here, using the puzzle Polyominous (link to rules, Polyominous puzzles from my blog). Here is the layout:
Your challenge is to replace each of the question marks with an integer to create a uniquely solvable Polyominous puzzle. Send your puzzle (and optionally, its solution) to my e-mail address at glmathgrant@gmail.com. After two weeks (meaning the deadline is October 2), I will post the puzzle I have constructed for this layout, as well as some of my favorite submissions from other people.
I hope to try this kind of experiment again in the future if the response is good enough. Have fun! :)
Blog Archive
- Puzzle 71: Polyominous 9
- Puzzle 70: Tetra Firma 6
- Puzzle 69: Polyominous 8
- Puzzle 68: Process of Illumination 3
- Puzzle 67: Fencing Match 9
- Logicsmith Exhibition 1: Polyominous
- Puzzle 66: Pearls of Wisdom 5
- Puzzle 65: Polyominous 7
- Puzzle 64: Numeral Crossing 3
- Puzzle 63: Numeral Crossing 2
- Puzzle 62: Numeral Crossing 1
- Rules -- Numeral Crossing
- Puzzle 61: Fencing Match 8
- Puzzle 60: Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania 5
- Puzzle 59: Seek and Spell 3
- Puzzle 58: Polyominous 6
- Puzzle 57: Twincognito 4
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