No, seriously. One hundred puzzles is a huge deal, and I wanted my hundredth puzzle to be special. So here it is -- the largest Fencing Match puzzle I have ever constructed. I test-solved it TWICE, just to be safe. It was definitely worth the effort. I'd like to thank all of the people who have supported my logicsmithing efforts for making this behemoth possible. I look forward to another hundred.
Blog Archive
- Puzzle 117: Seek and Spell 4
- Puzzle 116: Polyominous 14
- Logicsmith Exhibition 2: Polyominous
- Puzzle 115: Pearls of Wisdom 9
- Puzzle 114: Process of Illumination 6
- Puzzle 113: Fencing Match 14
- Puzzle 112: Streaming Content 8
- Puzzle 111: Room and Reason 8
- Puzzle 110: Twincognito 8
- Puzzle 109: Blackbarrier Jam 6
- Puzzle 108: Twincognito 7
- Puzzle 107: Twincognito 6
- Puzzle 106: Artist's Block 4
- Puzzle 105: Artist's Block 3
- Puzzle 104: Artist's Block 2
- Puzzle 103: Artist's Block 1
- Rules -- Artist's Block
- Puzzle 102: Totally Awesum 8
- Puzzle 101: Polyominous 13
- Puzzle 100: Fencing Match 13
- Puzzle 99: Fencing Match 12
- Puzzle 98: Process of Illumination 5
- Puzzle 97: Straight and Arrow 6
- Adam's Grapple (3)
- Artist's Block (11)
- Battleships (15)
- Blackbarrier Jam (25)
- Block Band (9)
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- contests (172)
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- Dominnocuous (12)
- Double Entry (3)
- Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania (14)
- Ellbound (6)
- Evil Zingers (16)
- Fencing Match (63)
- Grant's Review Corner (13)
- Kevin's Puzzles at Home (88)
- Logic Masters India (16)
- Logicsmith Exhibition (18)
- Melon's Secret Castle (3)
- Monday Mutants (175)
- Numeral Crossing (12)
- Outside the Fox Puzzles (5)
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy (15)
- Pearls of Wisdom (72)
- Polyominous (104)
- Prev-Arrow-Cation (7)
- Process of Illumination (54)
- Proof of Quilt (15)
- puzzles (619)
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- Room and Reason (53)
- rules (31)
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- Spirits of Serpentine (13)
- Straight and Arrow (54)
- Streaming Content (51)
- Streampunk (9)
- Tatami For Now (8)
- Tetra Firma (65)
- The Inner Limits (11)
- The Joy of Puzzling (8)
- Totally Awesum (26)
- Twincognito (24)
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