Would you like to try your hand at logicsmithing, and possibly be featured on my blog? Read on!
In an intriguing experiment on its online puzzle site nikoli.com, the Japanese company Nikoli asked its authors to create different Slitherlink puzzles all using the same arrangement of givens. I've decided to try a similar experiment here, using the puzzle Polyominous (link to rules, Polyominous puzzles from my blog). Your challenge is to replace each of the question marks in the grid below with an integer to create a uniquely solvable Polyominous puzzle.
For those of you who were around for the first Logicsmith Exhibition, I have followed your advice and opted for a smaller grid than last time. I noticed that the huge group of 32 unclued cells in the middle seemed to be a bit of a choke point, so I tried to avoid that. Also, this grid contains an unusually high density of givens -- 50% of the cells are givens, in fact. Finally, I'm giving you three weeks instead of just two. These factors should make it considerably easier to construct a puzzle (I hope!).
Send your puzzle (and optionally, its solution) to my e-mail address at glmathgrant@gmail.com. After three weeks (meaning the deadline is December 16), I will post the puzzle I have constructed for this layout, as well as some of my favorite submissions from other people. Good luck, and have fun!
Blog Archive
- Puzzle 117: Seek and Spell 4
- Puzzle 116: Polyominous 14
- Logicsmith Exhibition 2: Polyominous
- Puzzle 115: Pearls of Wisdom 9
- Puzzle 114: Process of Illumination 6
- Puzzle 113: Fencing Match 14
- Puzzle 112: Streaming Content 8
- Puzzle 111: Room and Reason 8
- Puzzle 110: Twincognito 8
- Puzzle 109: Blackbarrier Jam 6
- Puzzle 108: Twincognito 7
- Puzzle 107: Twincognito 6
- Puzzle 106: Artist's Block 4
- Puzzle 105: Artist's Block 3
- Puzzle 104: Artist's Block 2
- Puzzle 103: Artist's Block 1
- Rules -- Artist's Block
- Puzzle 102: Totally Awesum 8
- Puzzle 101: Polyominous 13
- Puzzle 100: Fencing Match 13
- Puzzle 99: Fencing Match 12
- Puzzle 98: Process of Illumination 5
- Puzzle 97: Straight and Arrow 6
- Adam's Grapple (3)
- Artist's Block (11)
- Battleships (15)
- Blackbarrier Jam (25)
- Block Band (9)
- Bridged Series (4)
- Circumnavi-Gates (23)
- contests (172)
- Cross the Streams (22)
- Crowd Nine (23)
- Danny Boy's Pipes (2)
- Dominnocuous (12)
- Double Entry (3)
- Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania (14)
- Ellbound (6)
- Evil Zingers (16)
- Fencing Match (63)
- Grant's Review Corner (13)
- Kevin's Puzzles at Home (88)
- Logic Masters India (16)
- Logicsmith Exhibition (18)
- Melon's Secret Castle (3)
- Monday Mutants (175)
- Numeral Crossing (12)
- Outside the Fox Puzzles (5)
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy (15)
- Pearls of Wisdom (72)
- Polyominous (104)
- Prev-Arrow-Cation (7)
- Process of Illumination (54)
- Proof of Quilt (15)
- puzzles (619)
- Quad-Wrangle (41)
- Reunion Tour (8)
- Right Way Robot (2)
- Ripple Play (8)
- Room and Reason (53)
- rules (31)
- Seek and Spell (19)
- Solomon's Keep (7)
- Spirits of Serpentine (13)
- Straight and Arrow (54)
- Streaming Content (51)
- Streampunk (9)
- Tatami For Now (8)
- Tetra Firma (65)
- The Inner Limits (11)
- The Joy of Puzzling (8)
- Totally Awesum (26)
- Twincognito (24)
- Wordy Wednesday (548)
- Writer's Block (3)