Logicsmith Exhibition 3 is over now. I received 6 entries from 4 distinct people (not counting myself). I think the puzzles ended up a bit harder in this batch than in the previous batch. The added difficulty makes these puzzles feel very different from the previous ones, for better or for worse, and of course they are still very different from each other. As before, I'll go alphabetically by submitter.
This first puzzle is from Bram. This is probably the hardest puzzle in the batch -- in fact, I found it slightly unreasonable (in terms of the depth of trial and error involved). Then again, I'm a wuss who only a month ago started posting Numberlink puzzles, and your mileage may vary. In any case, it's definitely solvable. Just be forewarned of the difficulty. :)
connect4 sent this nice puzzle. If you're allergic to the numbers 1 and 2, then you're in luck -- this puzzle contains none of those.
The next puzzle is my own. It is traditional for me to give a sneak peek of my puzzle to the participants in Logicsmith Exhibition; Paul Redman said that this has "some of [my] characteristic trademarks". He's probably right. *laughs* I always try to keep my puzzles interesting, though, and not to let any one particular style make me too terribly predictable. :)
This puzzle is by miller. This one's definitely on the tougher side, I think, but extremely nice. It will keep patient experts very entertained.
Paul Redman was ambitious enough to send three puzzles. A main feature of this first submission is that it has a LOT of 4's. ("Use the 4's, Luke. . . .") It also makes interesting use of the space in the middle. I thought it was one of the easier puzzles in this batch.
This second puzzle by Paul Redman is a bit harder, but still very reasonable, and quite fun.
Paul Redman's final puzzle contains many 6's -- twenty-seven 6's, to be exact. I believe it's the hardest out of Paul's puzzles, but if you like the number 6, then you'll absolutely adore this puzzle. :)
Thanks to all the submitters for their puzzles, and enjoy solving!
Blog Archive
- Puzzle 302: Polyominous 32
- Puzzle 301: Streaming Content 22
- Puzzle 300: Room and Reason 21
- Puzzle 299: Fencing Match 32
- Puzzle 298: Twincognito 15
- Puzzle 297: Tetra Firma 20
- Puzzle 296: Streaming Content 21
- Puzzle 295: Pearls of Wisdom 34
- Puzzle 294: Pearls of Wisdom 33
- Puzzle 293: Totally Awesum 18
- Puzzle 292: Room and Reason 20
- Puzzle 291: Tetra Firma 19
- Logicsmith Exhibition 3: Polyominous (RESULTS!)
- Puzzle 290: Polyominous 31
- Puzzle 289: Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania 11
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