Long-time readers may recall that I designed a logic puzzle to be put on my 22nd birthday cake; circumstances beyond my control meant that this cake could not be ordered until two days ago. We ordered it from a baker we've trusted for many, many years, and just picked it up today. Here is the design they were supposed to follow:
(Note: Do not, as one reader has, confuse this puzzle with MellowMelon's original puzzle Colorlink. The colors in this puzzle are purely an aesthetic to clarify that the givens are arranged in the shape of the number 22.)
And, here's the result:
I observe three things:
1) The dragée grid dots aren't aligned perfectly; it would have been easy to use a strip of paper or something else that's straight to ensure proper alignment.
2) All of the numbers save for the red 2 in the upper left and the black numbers in the second column are one space to the right of where they should be, yielding an unsolvable puzzle.
3) The numbers that ended up off of the right edge of the grid were iced over. What the heck was the decorator even thinking? Did they think I'd not notice if they just put icing on the edge of their mistake?
I can't believe I waited almost 11 months for this piece of, to put it as politely as possible, crap. Look, it's just a grid of 121 dots and 40 numbers -- it's not like I was asking for them to recreate something complicated like Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam. Are logic puzzles just not supposed to go on cakes? :(
I really, really want to cry.
(Edit: In all fairness, the cake tasted delicious.)
P.S. My parents are decidedly not big on logic puzzles, and even they agree the cake was done amateurishly.
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