Puzzle 419: Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania 12

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During the month of June, Eliza Pseudonym and her friends Anna, Barbra, Carla, and Delilah each went to a venue known as The Euterpean Theatre to watch a different musical. Each woman went to the theatre on a different day (June 1, June 8, June 15, June 22, and June 29), and each woman paid a different amount for her ticket ($60, $80, $100, $120, $140). From the clues below, determine which musical each woman saw, which day each woman saw it, and how much each woman's ticket cost.

1. One woman saw "Rant" precisely one week after Anna watched a musical, but precisely one week before someone viewed "Pesticide Story".
2. Delilah's trip to the theatre was sometime before that of the woman who paid $100 for her ticket.
3. Carla paid $120 for her ticket; she went to The Euterpean Theatre precisely one week after the performance of "A Coarse Line" was attended.
4. Eliza visited the theatre precisely one week after the woman did whose ticket had a price of $80.
5. The ticket to see the musical "The Bantam of the Opera" was precisely $20 less expensive than the "Cots" ticket; one of these two musicals was the one watched on June 15.
6. Barbra bought the least expensive ticket.

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