Wordy Wednesday 182: Words Without Friends 5

Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Anthony Bailey **
Edderiofer He **
Jack Bross **
Adam Weaver **
Bryce Herdt **
Deusovi **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin *

PENT WORDS 36 (answer)
Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Anthony Bailey **
Giovanni Pagano **
Jack Bross **
Bryce Herdt **
Ryan Faley **
Rusty the Wolf **
Sam Levitin **

CODEWORDS 5 (hint)
As of this writing, 6 people have solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

You have 15 turns to build words on the grid. Start by taking the first seven letters in the DRAW COLUMN. Form an English word using four of those letters, and place it reading from left to right in the cells marked 1. On each successive turn, cross out the letters you used and transfer the unused letters (if any) to the next line in the DRAW COLUMN, and then play a new word using some of those letters, placing them in the next successively numbered spaces. Adjoining letters must always form words in crossword fashion, and all the letters will be used.

All words in my solution are valid according to http://scrabble.merriam.com. However, aside from some 2-letter words and the outlined 3-letter word, all of them should be very familiar.

Arrange the letters in the shaded cells to form the final answer, a 7-letter word.

* What's a 5-letter word for "Country music group Little ____, or the state 'God Blessed' according to one of their songs"?
* Patron Puzzle #29, which will be delivered exclusively to Patreon supporters ($5 or more per month), is entitled Faley Fun Pack!

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, keep on living, and yappy solving!

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