For full rules, see here.
Week 0:
The set of all words starting with a letter in the word PRIME: NEITHER
The set of all words with a prime number of letters: ONE
The set of all words with a prime number of distinct letters: BOTH
Week 1:
[Bryce Herdt] The set of all words that use one or more of J, Q, X, and Z: NEITHER
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words of length at most 10: BOTH
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words beginning with a letter on the home row of a QWERTY keyboard (ASDFGHJKL): ONE
[John Bulten] The set of all words ending with a letter alphabetically between Q and Z inclusive: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words containing at least one of the letters U, V, W, X, Y, or Z: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words where the number of letters in the word is at least two greater than the number of distinct letters: NEITHER
[Roger Strain] The set of all words in which all instances of A, E, I, O, and U appear in alphabetical order (examples: ANIMUS, FED, FEED, RHYTHM): BOTH
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length 7 or more: NEITHER
Week 2:
[Bryce Herdt] The set of all words composed only of letters (with possible repeats) from ETAOIN SHRDLU: NEITHER
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words where are least three of the letters are A, E, I, O, or U: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words in which the second letter is A, E, I, O, or U: ONE
[John Bulten] The set of all words in which the second-to-last letter is A, E, I, O, or U: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word GHOST: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words which both start and end with consonants (letters other than A, E, I, O, or U): ONE
[Roger Strain] The set of all words containing at least one of "R", "S", "T", "L", "N" or "E": BOTH
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words where exactly two of the letters are A, E, I, O, or U: ONE
[Stephen Potter] The set of all words that start with A, E, I, O, or U: NEITHER
Week 3:
[Bryce Herdt] The set of all words alphabetically after RANDOM: ONE
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words containing R or L: BOTH
[Jason Boomer] [private guess of a set of 9 words]: NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words containing C or L: BOTH
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word MISBEHAVING: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word DAFT: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length exactly 4: ONE
The money pool for the Food Bank of West Central Texas is now $36.
Submit more guesses!
Blog Archive
- Wordy Wednesday 339: Snake Crisscross 10
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words! (Week 3 update!)
- Wordy Wednesday 338: Pathfinder 19
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words! (Week 2 update!)
- Wordy Wednesday 337: Anacrossword 20
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words! (Week 1 update!)
- Wordy Wednesday 336: Section Six 33
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words!
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