For full rules, see here.
Week 0:
The set of words containing the letter A: NEITHER
The set of all words composed only of letters (with possible repeats) from ETAOIN SHRDLU: ONE
The set of all words containing at least one of "R", "S", "T", "L", "N" or "E": BOTH
Week 1:
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing at least 3 consecutive letters that are consonants (i.e. not AEIOUY): NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words beginning with a letter in the word SOUND: NEITHER
[Kevin Orfield] The set of words where three or more of the letters are from the set {A,E,I,O,U,Y}: NEITHER
[Michael Tang] The set of words of length 5, 6, 7, or 8: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length greater than or equal to 9: NEITHER
Week 2:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words of lengths 5 or 6: ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words containing a double letter (examples: EGG, BOOT, LLAMA; counterexamples: FIFE, NANA): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words with second letter between O and Z inclusive: ONE
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters (with possible repeats) in the words DHOLE UNITS: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between Q and Z inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words of length 6 or 7: ONE
Week 3:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words at least 5 letters long, beginning with letters B-H inclusive: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words whose letters have a combined point value of 15 or higher in English-language Scrabble (examples: JOKE, ZZZ): NEITHER
[John Bulten] The set of all words ending with a letter from BENDY TRACK: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain an S adjacent to another consonant (any letter other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y): ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words beginning with a letter between A and G inclusive: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] The set of all words where exactly two of the letters are A, E, I, O, U, or Y: BOTH
Week 4:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words where the second letter is anything other than A, E, I, O, U, or Y: NEITHER
[Jason Boomer] The set of all 1-syllable words, according to ONE
[John Bulten] [private guess of a set of 2 words]: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words that contain at least one instance of the letter S: BOTH
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words in which the same letter appears more than once: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 3 words]: NEITHER
Week 5:
[Daniel Levitin] The set of all words in which exactly one of the letters is not in ETAOIN SHRDLU (examples: TREK, TREKS; counterexample: TREKKED): ONE
[Jason Boomer] The set of all words which start with L: NEITHER
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words comprised entirely of letters from the words NUDE SLOTH: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words which contain the letter L: NEITHER
[Sam Levitin] [private guess of a set of 4 words]: NEITHER
Week 6:
[Daniel Levitin] [private guess of a set of 1 word]: ONE
[Jason Boomer] [private guess of a set of 5 words]: ONE
[Ken G. Safrit] The set of all words composed only of letters from HORSEMINT and which include the letter N or the letter O, but not both: BOTH
[Kenneth Wilson] The set of all words containing the letter O: ONE
[Kevin Orfield] The set of all words which have at least one Scrabble-legal anagram according to ONE
[Roger Strain] The set of words where the second letter is contained in FOXGER: ONE
[Sam Levitin] The set of all 6-letter words matching the pattern "CVCVCC", where "V" means {A,E,I,O,U,Y}, and "C" means the other 20 letters: ONE
[yyw] [private guess of a set of 2 words]: BOTH
Since the pair of words has been guessed, $30 has been donated to the Food Bank of West Central Texas and $30 has been donated to My Block My Hood My City!
Everyone now has one more week to guess the pair of words and get entered into the prize drawing!
Blog Archive
- Wordy Wednesday 348: Logicrossword 8 & Wordy Wedne...
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 6 update ...
- Wordy Wednesday 347: Logicrossword 7
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 5 update)
- Wordy Wednesday 346: Section Six 34
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 4 update)
- Wordy Wednesday 345: Pent Words 69
- Contest: Let's Guess Two Words II! (Week 3 update)
- Wordy Wednesday 344: Logicrossword 6
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