The completed crisscross grid is shown below:
The pink cells spell “YOU TOUCHED MY HAND, I PLAYED IT COOL”, a lyric from the song “SEVEN WONDERS” by Fleetwood Mac.
9 people submitted completed crisscross grids before the easy version was published.
9 people identified the song before the easy version was published.
2 people submitted completed crisscross grids after the easy version was published.
2 people identified the song after the easy version was published.
The randomly-selected winner of the signed issues of Games World of Puzzles and the surprise gift is Michael Lebowitz! Congratulations! Additionally, $80 is in the money pool for the Food Bank of West Central Texas!
Stay tuned next Monday for Let's Guess Three Words IV, wherein up to $50 of that money pool will be donated, depending on how quickly y'all solve some more words! More deets then!