Wordy Wednesday 506: Section Six 50

Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Bonnie Veenschoten **
Cathy Bowen **
James Haddad **
Joe Bernard **
Michael Lebowitz **
Stephen Potter **
Tyler Hinman **
Kevin Orfield **
Patrick Jordan **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin **

ANACROSSWORD 26 (answer)
Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself, please go here for the normal version of the puzzle, or here for the easier version of the puzzle. Here's a list of people who solved it:
Bonnie Veenschoten **
Cathy Bowen **
Cindy Heisler **
Michael Lebowitz **
Tyler Hinman **
Ezra Brauner *
Kevin Orfield **
Ryan Faley **
Sam Levitin **

PENT WORDS 101 (hint)
As of this writing, 16 people have solved this puzzle. Haven't solved it yet? Here's an easier version. Send your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com within the next week to appear on the solvers list and be recognized for your puzzle prowess. Good luck, solvers!

(click here for a PDF version)
This puzzle’s grid has six rings and six sections. Each ring contains a series of words placed end to end, reading either clockwise or counterclockwise; all the words in a given ring will read in the same direction. Ring 1 (the outer ring) contains six answers that read clockwise; the starting spaces are numbered in the grid. Clues for the answers in the remaining rings are given in order, but their starting points and direction are for you to determine. The sections (separated by the heavy lines radiating from the center) will help you place the inner rings: in a given section, each ring segment contains all but one of the letters in the next segment outward. In other words, a section’s outermost segment contains six letters; the next segment inward contains five of those six letters in some order; and so on, until only one of the original six letters remains.

Arrange the letters in the six starred spaces to form the final answer, a 6-letter word.
Ring 1
1 Structure that provides protection
2 Nathaniel Rothschild’s father
3 Bane of certain dieters
4 Beverage brewed from beans
5 Science fiction franchise created by Gene Roddenberry: 2 wds.
6 Sleipnir’s rider in Norse mythology

Ring 2
* Make a big bet on a bad hand, say
* Observed differences between two things
* Aligns toward a particular direction
* Idol
* Bird’s enclosure, often

Ring 3
* Pistol inventor and namesake Georg
* Be in pain
* Sideways ____ from Wayside School (1978 Louis Sachar book)
* Big name in prepaid wireless plans

Ring 4
* Shoreline extending from Texas to Florida: 2 wds.
* Engage in public acts of violence
* Unit of stock

Ring 5
* Brigham Young University’s Cosmo is one
* “Obey your ____” (Sprite slogan)

Ring 6
* 50 Cent album whose title is also 50 Cent’s real first name

* A Codewords!

Submit your answers to glmathgrant[at]gmail[dot]com. Until next time, happy solving!

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