Monday Mutants
is a series in which I will attempt to experiment with "mutant" puzzles. These could be existing puzzle types with an unusual change in the rules, hybrids combining elements from multiple puzzle types, or puzzle types neither invented nor popularized by Nikoli.
Ten ships (as indicated below the grid: one four-cell ship, two three-cell ships, three two-cell ships, and four one-cell ships) are hidden in the grid. The ships may be rotated from the orientations shown, but may not overlap or occupy cells which share a corner or an edge. A number to the right of a row or below a column indicates how many cells in that row or column are occupied by ships. Additionally, some segments of the ships are shown within the grid, and cells with wavy lines are "water" cells which cannot contain ships. Find the ships.

Some of you who are already familiar with the genre of Battleships may be wondering why such a puzzle has been posted as a Monday Mutant. My justification is that, prior to the introduction of the Monday Mutant series, I've stuck to Nikoli's precedents as much as possible (I don't publish any puzzle type they don't, the givens in a Fillomino, Slitherlink, or Sudoku are always symmetrical, a 9x11 Kakuro never has entries longer than 5 digits, a Slitherlink never has two 0's sharing a corner or an edge, etc.). In the Monday Mutants series, I strive to make puzzles that are entertaining and logical, but worry less about these precedents. Suddenly, the precedent that a Sudoku puzzle never has any indicator of which pairs of cells contain consecutive numbers, for example, can be thrown out the window, if the resulting puzzle can be solved via logic and is entertaining and different enough to justify its existence. Battleships is a puzzle type "neither invented nor popularized by Nikoli", and as such, the precedent is not to publish them. This Monday Mutant abandons that precedent completely.