Ten ships (as indicated below the grid: one four-cell ship, two three-cell ships, three two-cell ships, and four one-cell ships) are hidden in the grid. The ships may be rotated from the orientations shown, but may not overlap or occupy cells which share a corner or an edge. A number to the right of a row or below a column indicates how many cells in that row or column are occupied by ships. Additionally, some segments of the ships are shown within the grid, and cells with wavy lines are "water" cells which cannot contain ships. Find the ships.
I turn 23 today! To celebrate, I'll be posting Monday Mutant-style Evil Zinger (EZ) puzzles throughout the day. Are you prepared for some very difficult and very mutant puzzles? Of course not! Nobody is! BWA HA HA HA! I am so evil!
Blog Archive
- Monday Mutant 20: Straight and Arrow / Battleships
- Puzzle 409: Circumnavi-Gates 12
- Evil Zinger 16: Process of Illumination (cipher)
- Evil Zinger 15: Fencing Match (liars)
- Evil Zinger 14: Polyominous (cipher)
- Evil Zinger 13: Pearls of Wisdom (total)
- Evil Zinger 12: Blackbarrier Jam (domino)
- Evil Zinger 11: Polyominous (just one cell)
- Evil Zinger 10: Crowd Nine (just one cell)
- Evil Zinger 9: Battleships
- My 23rd birthday cake!
- Monday Mutant 19: Process of Illumination / Battle...
- Puzzle 408: Pearls of Wisdom 41
- Puzzle 407: Straight and Arrow 29
- Monday Mutant 18: Battleships
- Monday Mutant 17: Battleships
- Puzzle 406: Tetra Firma 26
- Monday Mutant 16: Polyominous (cipher)
- Puzzle 405: Process of Illumination 31
- My 22nd birthday cake redux!
- Puzzle 404: Polyominous 39
- Puzzle 403: Process of Illumination 30
- Puzzle 402: Room and Reason 25
- Monday Mutant 15: Blackbarrier Jam (domino)
- Puzzle 401: Blackbarrier Jam 14
- Puzzle 400: Fencing Match 42
- Puzzle 399: Straight and Arrow 28
- Puzzle 398: Pearls of Wisdom 40
- Adam's Grapple (3)
- Artist's Block (11)
- Battleships (15)
- Blackbarrier Jam (25)
- Block Band (9)
- Bridged Series (4)
- Circumnavi-Gates (23)
- contests (172)
- Cross the Streams (22)
- Crowd Nine (23)
- Danny Boy's Pipes (2)
- Dominnocuous (12)
- Double Entry (3)
- Eliza Pseudonym of Puzzlania (14)
- Ellbound (6)
- Evil Zingers (16)
- Fencing Match (63)
- Grant's Review Corner (13)
- Kevin's Puzzles at Home (87)
- Logic Masters India (16)
- Logicsmith Exhibition (18)
- Melon's Secret Castle (3)
- Monday Mutants (175)
- Numeral Crossing (12)
- Outside the Fox Puzzles (5)
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy (15)
- Pearls of Wisdom (72)
- Polyominous (104)
- Prev-Arrow-Cation (7)
- Process of Illumination (54)
- Proof of Quilt (15)
- puzzles (619)
- Quad-Wrangle (41)
- Reunion Tour (8)
- Right Way Robot (2)
- Ripple Play (8)
- Room and Reason (53)
- rules (31)
- Seek and Spell (19)
- Solomon's Keep (7)
- Spirits of Serpentine (13)
- Straight and Arrow (54)
- Streaming Content (51)
- Streampunk (9)
- Tatami For Now (8)
- Tetra Firma (65)
- The Inner Limits (11)
- The Joy of Puzzling (8)
- Totally Awesum (26)
- Twincognito (24)
- Wordy Wednesday (548)
- Writer's Block (3)