In the Blackbarrier Jam puzzle on the left and in the Streaming Content puzzle on the right, the given numbers have been replaced by letters; all instances of a particular letter represent the same number, but two different letters must represent different numbers. (This applies whether the letters are in the same grid or not.) The rules are otherwise unchanged.
My most sincere apologies for today's Monday Mutant being late; I was debating whether to put the series on hold for the holidays, but decided against it a few hours ago.
Monday Mutant 58: Blackbarrier Jam / Streaming Content (cipher)
Blackbarrier Jam,
Monday Mutants,
Streaming Content
Blog Archive
- Puzzle 478: Proof of Quilt 2
- Puzzle 477: Proof of Quilt 1
- Rules -- Proof of Quilt
- Puzzle 476: Spirits of Serpentine 4
- Monday Mutant 58: Blackbarrier Jam / Streaming Con...
- Puzzle 475: Fencing Match 45
- Puzzle 474: Circumnavi-Gates 17
- Puzzle 473: Block Band 6
- Puzzle 472: Tetra Firma 30
- Four-Puzzle Derby minor update!
- Puzzle 471: Tetra Firma 29
- Monday Mutant 57: Pearls of Wisdom (every cell)
- Puzzle 470: Quad-Wrangle 17
- Puzzle 469: Polyominous 43
- Puzzle 468: Streaming Content 34
- Puzzle 467: Pearls of Wisdom 45
- Contest 3 Results: Four-Puzzle Derby!
- Puzzle 466: Fencing Match 44
- Monday Mutant 56: Polyominous (skyscrapers)
- Puzzle 465: Room and Reason 36
- Puzzle 464: Process of Illumination 35
- Monday Mutant 55: Polyominous (cipher)
- Adam's Grapple (3)
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