This is a cipher Fillomino (AKA Polyominous). The given numbers have been replaced by letters; all instances of a particular letter represent the same number, but two different letters must represent different numbers.
Answer entry: Enter the units digits of each square in the marked rows and columns, from left to right for rows and from top to bottom for columns. In Cipher Fillomino, answers providing either the letters or substituted units digits will be accepted.
Highlight to see the answer: 4444666266 5512525555 or AAAALLLRLL GGURGRGGGG
Don't forget to check out MellowMelon's blog for the other half of the preview series! I'd be remiss not to remind you of this, since he's been reminding his readers of this blog's existence constantly during this time. :)
Fillomino-Fillia Preview Series: Cipher Fillomino
Logic Masters India,
Monday Mutants,
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- Puzzle 500: Polyominous 48
- Puzzle 499: Tetra Firma 31
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- Monday Mutant 84: Cross the Streams / Tetra Firma
- Puzzle 497: Quad-Wrangle 22
- Puzzle 496: Quad-Wrangle 21
- Puzzle 495: Circumnavi-Gates 18
- Monday Mutant 83: Polyominous (cipher)
- Monday Mutant 82: Polyominous (non-consecutive)
- Monday Mutant 81: Polyominous / Quad-Wrangle
- Puzzle 494: Polyominous 47
- Monday Mutant 80: Streampunk / Tetra Firma
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- Fillomino-Fillia Preview Series: Cipher Fillomino
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