Fillomino-Fillia has begun!
I've mentioned it before, and Palmer Mebane and I have previewed it – now Fillomino-Fillia has actually begun! You have approximately 47 hours and 37 minutes from the time of this post (I didn't plan ahead like Palmer and have this post prepared beforehand :[ ) to visit Logic Masters India, download the password-protected puzzle booklet, log in, and start the test. Then you will have 120 minutes to solve as many of the puzzles as possible. See how you compare against puzzle solvers all over the world! Also, good luck and stuff!
Logic Masters India
Blog Archive
- Puzzle 500: Polyominous 48
- Puzzle 499: Tetra Firma 31
- My 24th birthday cake!
- A Cleverly-Titled Birthday Contest: long overdue m...
- Puzzle 498: Pearls of Wisdom 48
- Monday Mutant 84: Cross the Streams / Tetra Firma
- Puzzle 497: Quad-Wrangle 22
- Puzzle 496: Quad-Wrangle 21
- Puzzle 495: Circumnavi-Gates 18
- Monday Mutant 83: Polyominous (cipher)
- Monday Mutant 82: Polyominous (non-consecutive)
- Monday Mutant 81: Polyominous / Quad-Wrangle
- Puzzle 494: Polyominous 47
- Monday Mutant 80: Streampunk / Tetra Firma
- Fillomino-Fillia has begun!
- Fillomino-Fillia Preview Series: Shikaku Fillomino
- Fillomino-Fillia Preview Series: Cipher Fillomino
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