I have now been on Patreon for approximately 2 years, during which time I've posted 24 Patron Puzzles, which are available to people who give me $5 or more per month. Since then, one of those puzzles has been made available for free and one of those puzzles was made available to all patrons at the $1 level and up (to compensate for being late). Therefore, the total cost to access all of these puzzles, according to my calculations, is US$111. However, starting from now, I will e-mail you a ZIP file of all 24 of these puzzles for the low price of US$10. The catch? You don't pay the money to me. (If you want me to have money, you should consider supporting me on Patreon and getting access to my Wordy Wednesday puzzles earlier than anyone else. You will also gain access to future Patron Puzzles.) Instead, in a small effort to contribute something good to the world, you shall instead make your payment to my local food bank, the Food Bank of West Central Texas.
So as to ensure that I have no opportunity to misappropriate funds, please e-mail me (glmathgrantATgmailDOTcom) a copy of your charitable receipt (it must be a new donation, dated no earlier than one day before you email me), and I will send Patron Puzzles #1-24 and Fox & Badger Magazine #1 & #2 (two small puzzle suites with metas). You will also receive all solutions.
Patron Puzzles include the following:
* Several 13x13 Codewords puzzles (example).
* Several 15x15 Pathfinder puzzles (example).
* Several 21x21 Framelinks puzzles (example).
* A giant Anacrossword (example).
* A Pent Words puzzle (example) that becomes a logic puzzle.
* Several 10x10 mini-crosswords.
* A puzzle three-pack inspired by my colleague Ryan Faley.
* A variety cryptic where the answers to the wordplay halves of the clues include extra letters (example).
* And much more!
As a reminder, this is a charity initiative. Please e-mail me (glmathgrantATgmailDOTcom) a copy of your charitable receipt to my local food bank, the Food Bank of West Central Texas, to receive this puzzle pack. (It must be a new donation, dated no earlier than one day before you email me.) Click here for a list of all of the puzzle packs in this initiative. Happy solving!
Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy: Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy Pack #1
Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy
Blog Archive
- Wordy Wednesday 161: Crypticrostic 2 & Wordy Wedne...
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy: The LiveJournal L...
- Puzzle 619: Fencing Match 53
- On the lack of recent Wordy Wednesday posts.
- Wordy Wednesday 160: Pent Words 32
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy Preview: Mini Cryp...
- Wordy Wednesday 159: Foxgeryptics 7
- Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy: Patron Puzzles fo...
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