Below is a list of all of the puzzle packs available in the Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy series. To make the math simpler, this series has been reformatted so that every pack costs either US$2.50, US$5, or US$10. I have also decided to narrow the focus to the Food Bank for West Central Texas, my local food bank, as charity on a more local level is where my passion has been as of late. Please e-mail me (glmathgrantATgmailDOTcom) a copy of the receipt for your donation to receive the puzzle pack(s) of your choice. (It must be a new donation, dated no earlier than one day before you email me.) The current combined price of all of the packs below is US$95, if you wish to get them all. Happy solving!
$10 Packs
* Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy Pack #1: Patron Puzzles #1-#24 and Fox & Badger Magazine issues #1 and #2, all previously exclusive to Patreon supporters.
Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy Pack #2: Patron Puzzles #25-#48 and Fox & Badger Magazine issue #3, all previously exclusive to Patreon supporters.
* Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy Pack #3: Patron Puzzles #49-#72, all previously exclusive to Patreon supporters.
* Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy Pack #4: Patron Puzzles #73-#100 and Fox & Badger Magazine issues #4, #5, and #6, all previously exclusive to Patreon supporters.
Anacrossword Twenty-Pack: 20 crossword-style puzzles which reveal quotes as you fill them in.
Anacrossword Twenty-Pack Two: 20 crossword-style puzzles which reveal quotes as you fill them in.
Anacrossword Twenty-Pack Three: 20 crossword-style puzzles which reveal quotes as you fill them in.
$5 Packs
* LiveJournal Logic Pack: 300 vintage logic puzzles in a variety of styles.
Section Six Six-Plus-Six Pack: 12 Section Six puzzles full of well-rounded wordplay.
Magnum Opus Snake Crisscross: Only one puzzle, but it's probably the largest of its kind ever written. Over 300 answers read across, down, and along slithery paths.
$2.50 Packs
10x10x10 Crosswords: 10 miniature crosswords, including themed, themeless, vwllss, and Something Different.
10x10x10 Crosswords II: 10 miniature crosswords, including themed, themeless, vwllss, and Something Different.
10x10x10 Crosswords III: 10 miniature crosswords, including themed, themeless, vwllss, and Something Different.
11x11x11 Touchword: 11 miniature specimens of my original invention Touchword, in which answers touch at identical letters rather than crossing.
Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy: A list of available puzzle packs
Patron Puzzles for Philanthropy
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